Ardex EP2000 - Primer and Moisture Barrier

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It is not recommended to glue floors directly on top of this primer.

Model: 2000100
Weight: 1 kg
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 2-5 day(s)

Moisture barrier/epoxy resin primers. Blocking rising moisture. Priming and fastening of the substrate. Works as a staple bridge. High adhesion.

ARDEX EP 2000 is a solvent-free, low-viscosity, 2-component epoxy resin without fillers. The container consists of 3.2 kg of resin (component A) and 1.3 kg of hardener (component B) – a total of 4½ kg. For sealing off rising moisture, priming and fixing substrates, repairing cracks in floating plaster layers and concrete and bonding bridges between new and old concrete.

Packaging: 1 kg and 4.5 kg bucket

When applied to surfaces approx. 300 g/m² per application according to the absorbency of the substrate.
When repairing cracks and joints approx. 300 g/lbm depending on width and depth.
Processing time: Approx. 30 minutes at 20 °C.
Loadable: Mechanically loadable after approx. 24 hours. Chemically loadable after approx. 7 days.
Walkable: After approx. 6 hours at 20 °C.

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