
In this category you will find a large selection of mats for entrance areas from Forbo.

Entrance lots
Entrance mats are important in modern buildings as they reduce maintenance costs, help keep the building in presentable condition throughout the day and preserve the interior from wear and tear. The entrance area is also the first thing your customers see.
Professional entrances for companies and private individuals
Forbo Flooring supplies professional entrance mats to both companies and individuals in 32 different countries. Forbo Flooring is an international group with many years of experience in creating the perfect entryway for various needs. A good, high-quality entrance is an effective way to reduce cleaning, repair and maintenance costs. Forbo offers unique, high-quality floor solutions which, via durability and design finish, ensure the best solutions at every stage of the building's life cycle, from specification to installation of the finished floor. We also service private individuals who want a new, beautiful entrance that will remain beautiful for many years.
Keep your building clean and safe
If you want to keep your building clean and safe, it is not enough to put a mat at the door. The health authorities warn against loose mats, as they can cause accidents and are not always effective. Getting the most efficient entryway requires thinking about traffic - the number of people entering and exiting over a given period - and walking routes (the directions they walk in) and using that information when planning the entryway. One of the best ways to think about entryways is to think about coverings:
Zone 1: the scratch zone
Mats outside the building's entrance are the first protection against dirt that enters with the shoes. Here, the coarse dirt is scraped off the soles of the shoes before entering the building.
Zone 2: The absorption zone
When entering, comes the second protection, which removes fruit and finer dirt particles from the shoes.
Zone 3: Circulation zones
The other areas in the building are also affected by dirt and moisture that comes in with the shoes, e.g. reception areas, corridors, passages to other parts of the building, lifts and stair exits. All these areas are affected by the rest of the dirt on the shoes and can benefit from a well thought out and well designed Coral entrance mat that can absorb the dirt.
Reduce costs
Studies show that up to 94% of all dirt and moisture that enters a building is brought in from outside on the shoes and wheels. This dry and wet moisture makes the interior look dirty and unattractive, and is carried over to the other floor coverings. If the necessary measures are not taken, the maintenance costs will amount to nine times the acquisition costs over the lifetime of the floor. A well-designed entry area will prevent dirt and moisture from entering the building and will extend the life of the rest of the flooring and reduce costs.

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