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Seamless floors
All information on this page is copied material from Gulvfakta, which is a technical reference material, Source: Gulvfakta
Jointless floors are coverings that are laid out as mortar or in liquid form, and which, after hardening, form a continuous floor surface. Jointless floors are characterized by the fact that they do not need any other joints than those necessary for the underlying construction.
However, the type of floor or the area of the floor may mean that joints must be made in the floor covering. CE marking of seamless floor products Cement based floors Calcium sulphate based floors Magnesite floors Asphalt based floors Thermoplastic floors Hollow tiles - hard plastic floors Termination against floor drain Non-slip surfaces Selection of seamless floor covering Functional analysis - jointless floors Cleaning Expectations for thermoset floors
All information on this page is copied material from Gulvfakta, which is a technical reference material, Source: Gulvfakta CE marking of seamless floor products'
All jointless floor products sold on the Danish market must be CE-marked in accordance with the common European standard EN-13813. The values that must be declared vary slightly from product group to product group, see table 1.
table 1
In addition, manufacturers can specify a number of other properties. The values are disclosed to consumers in a performance declaration (DoP - Declaration of Performance). The performance declaration is based on the following principles:
All products must at least undergo a series of initial tests (first-time testing) to determine the properties that must be declared. That the producers ensure uniformity of the products via ongoing production control (at the level of ISO 9001). See also under "marking" for further information on CE marking. The seamless floors cover a very wide spectrum of products, and furthermore, many of the products are produced in several variants and thicknesses, just as there are mixed products, e.g. concrete/acrylic and concrete/asphalt. This makes it difficult to give general guidelines. Information should therefore always be obtained from the supplier, who can provide specific product information, e.g. about the required strength of the substrate (taking into account the expected usage load) and resistance to chemicals. The supplier can also advise on which products are most suitable for a given purpose.
Since jointless floors are laid as a liquid or as a mortar, the quality of the coating depends on correct instructions on the structure and on the execution of the work.
The thicker jointless coatings can to a certain extent eliminate unevenness in the substrate. Cement based floors
The basic material for cement-based jointless floors is hydraulically bound cement consisting of standard or special cement with added mineral fillers, possibly pozzolans and/or polymers. These products are often used as a base for actual top coverings such as carpets, wood, linoleum, etc. They can be laid out self-leveling and are therefore suitable for use when leveling raw concrete floors and old wooden floors. Used in this way, they are called screeds or thin plaster floors. You can read more about this area in the section on management. In the section about puttying, the definitions of the various puttying processes are reviewed. Jointless cement-based floors can also be used without installing an actual floor covering. Used in this way, the floors are often called designer floors, New Yorker floors or Pandomo floors.
The design floors can be laid out on newly poured or old concrete substrates and are used especially where high demands are placed on hygiene, wear resistance or chemical and thermal loads. In addition, the floors are also chosen for decorative reasons. Cement putty that can possibly be colored. The surface of the floor is sealed with transparent surface coating.
Requirements for the subfloor
The nature of the subfloor is extremely important for the result of the finished design floor and many of the surface problems you see on design floors can be attributed to problems with the subfloor. The surface strength (bond strength) must be at least 1.5 MPa, corresponding to class C - occupation. The subfloor must generally be dried to a maximum of 85% RH (but always check with the supplier's instructions for the desired product). In addition, the surface must be free of layers of sludge, wax (curing membrane) and spillage of oil, grease, etc. impurities. In order to ensure a sufficiently clean surface, it is often necessary to carry out a mechanical cleaning of the surface in the form of a sling cleaning or sandblasting. After cleaning, the surface should be examined thoroughly for loose areas, brittleness, cracks, etc. If the surface is very rough/structured, it may be necessary to sand it or carry out a smoothing of the surface.
To ensure optimal adhesion and to prevent pinholes, blisters etc. most suppliers recommend that the subfloor be sealed. This is done by priming the surface several times if necessary and possibly sealing the surface completely using epoxy-based products. If epoxy-based products are used, the surface must be sandblasted to ensure the necessary adhesion.
Laying out the putty.
When the subfloor is prepared and dry, the putty can be laid out. Most products can be laid out by pumping out or manual mixing. The layout method must be assessed in relation to the specific task. The best results are obtained with products that do not shrink (shrink very little). Many of the traditional putty compounds develop weak crevices during solidification that are of no consequence when a traditional floor covering is subsequently applied to the surface, but crevices in connection with designer floors often lead to broken expectations on the part of the client.
Most products require a layer thickness of at least 5 mm to ensure sufficient flowability. Before laying out, edge demarcations should be carried out along walls and in the transitions between rooms. If there are expansion joints in the subfloor, they must always be brought all the way up to the upper side of the design floor. Laying should therefore only take place if the building is tight (windows and doors are installed). During the laying and curing period, most suppliers recommend that the surface and room temperature are approx. 20°C. The workplace must be protected from direct drafts and precipitation. Particular focus should be directed to vertical pipe penetrations and other potential leaks. These must be carefully sealed so that the putty cannot run down. Plastering at doors etc., as well as any repairs, is in practice impossible to carry out without visible transitions (the overboard must be finished the first time).
Sealing the surface.
When the design putty is dry, the surface must be sealed in the form of a coating. The surface coating should be done immediately after the floor is dry, as the untreated surface is extremely susceptible to dirt and grime, which can only be removed with great difficulty.
There are various products on the market for the surface treatment of designer floors. The main groups are:
• Polyurethane-based topcoats
• Epoxy varnishes with high UV protection.
• Rock oils
• Wax.
You should always check which surface products the manufacturer recommends for the putty you have chosen. If a product combination is used that is NOT recommended by the manufacturer, the warranty will (usually) expire. The surface of the floor changes in connection with the surface treatment and a test application should therefore always be carried out on a small area.
Assessment of the surface.
Designer floors are handmade and you must expect variations in the surface, just as you must be aware that repairs and finishing cannot be carried out without visible transitions. The flooring industry has drawn up a number of general guidelines for assessing floor surfaces, you can find them by using this link . Calcium sulphate based floors
Calcium sulfate is the physical/chemical name for gypsum. Floors made of plaster require the installation of some form of top coating and plaster is therefore used exclusively for subfloors. Gypsum can be laid out dry in the form of floor slabs or laid out wet in the form of screeds or fillers. In this section, plaster is referred to laid out as screed. Gypsum laid out as screed is often called Anhydrite (although physically and chemically it is not completely correct. The chemical name for gypsum is CaSO4-2H2O. The anhydrite is produced by the gypsum splitting off the water molecules, whereby a molecule of CaSO4 is produced - the process takes place during heat generation.)
The anhydrite has a number of properties that make it attractive for screeding raw concrete etc.
• It has good flow properties
• Low voltage
• It has relatively good sound dampening properties
• It can be laid out as a "floating floor" (min thickness approx. 35 mm - product dependent)
But like all materials, anhydrite also has some limitations. In contrast to cement-based screeds, which to a certain extent use water in connection with the curing process, anhydrite does not use water during curing. The water must be separated by evaporation, which means that the anhydrite generally takes longer to dry out, a situation that is important to focus on in the planning phase. In addition, you must be aware that the surface usually requires a thorough sanding before it is ready for the installation of top coatings.
Requirements for the workplace
The subfloor must be stable (no cracks or areas with creases) and the surface must be clean, i.e. free of dust, oil, wax etc. Any holes and penetrations must be closed. The building must be closed (doors and windows must be closed or openings covered). Most manufacturers prescribe that the temperature at the laying site must not be below 5oC. In addition, it is recommended that the area be ventilated during and after laying. Also note that most suppliers' guideline values for drying times etc. are given at a reference temperature of 20oC and approx. 50%RH. At lower temperatures and higher humidity, the precursor drying process is slower. Magnesite floors
The binder in magnesite is magnesia cement, which hardens on contact with air when a chlorine magnesium solution (water and salt) is added. In magnesite floors, the magnesia cement is mixed with various organic and inorganic fillers and dyes. By varying the composition of the fillers, you can give the magnesite different properties. Magnesite for floor use is laid out in a wet state approx. 20 mm thickness. The floor is walkable after approx. 4-5 days, but has only achieved its permanent strength after approx. 14 days (depending on the temperature and humidity at the workplace). In connection with the curing process, the floor secretes a lot of water. The floor should therefore not be covered and the room should be ventilated, but be aware that drafts do not occur, as this can cause uneven drying, which in turn will lead to damage to the floor. After curing, the surface is relatively rough and textured and will often require mechanical finishing. Before use, the surface must be finished. A linseed oil mixture is traditionally used for this.
In a wet state, the magnesite mixture is extremely reactive and this can lead to the corrosion of iron, e.g. water pipe. Therefore check that there is an intact insulation between the magnesite and any metal parts. Magnesite floors are hard to walk on, but not as cold as concrete floors. The floor has good slip resistance, even when wet. The material is brittle, and therefore cannot withstand blows or other damage. If a magnesite floor is damaged, it is possible to make a repair, but it will always be visible. The work should be left to a professional. Minor damage / cracks can possibly be repaired with a suitable sealant.
If the magnesite dries out, it dusts. Magnesite floors therefore require ongoing maintenance. Periodic maintenance consists of washing the floor in water with added soap shavings. Then finish with a linseed oil mixture. As daily cleaning, vacuuming combined with occasional washing is usually sufficient. Asphalt based floors
Jointless floors made of cast asphalt are used in particular where there are requirements for hygiene, wear resistance, walkability or chemical loads. Asphalt is produced from mineral fillers such as gravel and lime with asphalt bitumen as a binder and is laid out at a temperature of 200 - 250°C on a vapor pressure compensation layer of aluminum foil. Molded asphalt is approved as a class G floor covering and can be laid on various substrates, e.g. concrete, cement stabilized gravel and asphalt base layer. Asphalt has a very high resistance to water vapor and can therefore be used on damp surfaces, including freshly poured concrete. As the composition of the mixture can be varied depending on the purpose, specific information should be obtained from the supplier before making a final choice. Cast asphalt is used as a finished floor or as a subfloor for another floor covering.
Floor covering of cast asphalt is laid out for approx. 25 mm thickness and provides a joint-free, dense surface with good physical, chemical and mechanical properties. Minor unevenness in the substrate is filled in during laying. The coating can be done in black or reddish-brown, with a smooth or rough surface and with different types of surface structure and friction properties. Thermoplastic floors
Thermoplastic based
This type of flooring can be divided into the following main groups, based on the products' chemical composition and curing process
Acrylic is a hardener, where the binder is MMA (methyl methacrylate), which polymerizes when a hardener (initiator) is added.
Epoxy is a curing plastic, where the binder is a low- or high-molecular epoxy resin, which cures by adding a curing component.
Polyurethane is a curing plastic, where the binder is polyurethane (usually prepolymerized), which cures by adding a curing component containing isocyanate. Polyurethane is also supplied as 1-component containing isocyanate, which hardens with the help of moisture. Jointless floors based on thermosetting plastic are used especially where high demands are placed on hygiene, wear resistance or chemical loads. Curing plasters are characterized by the fact that they harden by a chemical reaction and give an end product with great stability against external influences. Hardened plastic floors are available in many variants in terms of thickness and composition. They are normally laid out on a cement-based substrate, but under special conditions can also be laid out on a wood-based substrate and on a steel or asphalt substrate. Gypsum (anhydrite) floors are not suitable as a substrate for hard plastic floors and must be plastered with a cement-based putty before laying the hard plastic floor.
The type of covering chosen depends on the properties the finished floor must have and which of these the floor covering must contribute to. If, for example, the coating is to contribute significantly to reducing the point load on the substrate, a relatively thick type of coating must be chosen.
In the following, a brief overview of the common coating types is given.
Dust binding
• Dust binding is a surface treatment of unpigmented or pigmented hard plastic, which is used on floors made of cement-based materials. Due to its ability to penetrate the substrate, the wear resistance and chemical resistance of the surface is increased at the same time that dust nuisance is reduced.
• In addition, there are also a number of one-component products such as PVB (PolyVinylButyral) and water glass.
• Sealing/coating is a layer-forming surface treatment which is usually carried out in thicknesses of up to 0.3 mm. Sealing is used on floors made of cement-based materials, where it follows the variations in surface flatness. Moldings, cracks and the like will remain visible.
• Sealing is used in areas with moderate stress, where it increases the physical and chemical properties of the surface. Can be done pigmented or unpigmented.
Thin film: 0.3 - 1mm
• Thin film provides a surface with a thickness of 0.3 - 1 mm.
• The thin film follows the flatness variations of the surface. However, small irregularities in the surface are partially filled.
• The thin film increases the physical, chemical and mechanical properties of the surface and provides a dense and pore-free floor surface. Usually made pigmented.
Coating: Thickness 1-3 mm
• Floor covering of hardened plastic in thicknesses from 1 - 3 mm provides a dense and pore-free surface, which increases the physical, chemical and mechanical properties of the floor.
• The coating follows the flatness variations of the substrate. However, minor irregularities will be filled. Performed pigmented or with colored quartz sand and with a smooth or rough surface.
Coating: thickness over 3 mm
• Floor covering of hard plastic in thicknesses over 3 mm provides a dense and pore-free surface, which significantly increases the physical, chemical and mechanical properties of the floor.
• The coating follows the flatness variations of the substrate. However, slightly larger irregularities will be filled. Performed pigmented or with colored quartz sand and with a smooth or rough surface.
Conductive coating
• In addition, floor materials made of hardened plastic can be supplied as conductive floor coverings with documentation that they meet the requirements of, for example, English and German standards.
• Variations between the properties must be expected, depending on the material and product composition. Before making a final choice, specific information should therefore be obtained from the supplier.
Requirements for the workplace
The strength and surface structure of the substrate are of decisive importance for a satisfactory adhesion between the floor covering and concrete. The surface strength (bond strength) must be at least 1.8 MPa for industrial floors and at least 1.5 MPa for light industry. The surface must be free of sludge layers, wax (curing membrane) and spillage of oil, grease, etc. impurities.
In order to achieve satisfactory adhesion between the substrate and floor covering, it will often be necessary to carry out mechanical processing of the surface of the substrate. Weak surface layers in concrete can be removed by blast cleaning, diamond grinding or milling. Method selection is made based on the current conditions, e.g. in relation to noise, dust and moisture. In addition, you must have a special focus on any shrinkage grooves and putty strokes, as they tend to be visible through the finished coating.
The substrate must have the same flatness as required by the finished floor (± 2 mm on a 2 m straight log, unless otherwise agreed). See more in the Section on Choosing a floor. The moisture content of newly poured concrete decks must not exceed 85% RH.
In older all-terrain tires, basement tires and the like. there may be rising ground moisture due to a lack of moisture barrier in the construction. Moisture measurement should therefore also be carried out in such constructions before the floor is laid. See the section Choosing a floor.
During laying, the surface and room temperature must be 15-25ºC and the humidity no more than 85% RH. However, the surface temperature must be at least 3ºC above the dew point temperature of the room. Any underfloor heating must be switched off at least 3 days before delivery. Pay attention to follow the supplier's instructions when starting up the underfloor heating.
The substrate must be vacuumed immediately before the floor is laid. In certain cases, a thorough cleaning of the floor is recommended.
Depending on the product, the floor can be used for foot traffic after 2 - 24 hours after the last application. Full load is possible after 2 - 7 days.
Newly laid hard plastic floors are vulnerable and can be damaged if they are used as a work floor for other trades. It is therefore recommended that already during construction planning a decision is made as to whether the schedule necessitates the covering of finished floor surfaces. Hollow tiles – thermosetting plastic floors
In water-stressed areas, thermosetting plastic floors can advantageously be finished with hollow wedges against walls etc. In other areas, it is recommended to finish with ordinary skirting boards or moldings in wood, plastic, rubber. Hollow wedges can either be made by installing prefabricated hollow wedges along the walls or they can be handmade in epoxy mortar. Both methods have advantages and disadvantages. Figures 1 and 2 show examples of the two types.
Fig. 1: Examples of prefabricated hollow keels
The fixed hollow wedges are supplied in lengths of approx. 1 meter and are glued to the floor and wall with a suitable mounting adhesive, often an epoxy-based product is used. They are available in different designs (heights, widths and radius of curvature), typical height/width ratios are 50/25 or 100/25. They can be adjusted in length using a common miter saw, but can only be adjusted with difficulty in height. There are joints every 1 meter. The collections will be visible. The fixed edging strips place great demands on the tolerances on floors and walls. If the walls are crooked, the floors are not level and the angle between floor and wall is not right, the moldings will "jump" in the joints and there may be gaps between the moldings and the walls/floor. These must subsequently be grouted or closed in another way.
Fig. 2: Example of a socket made of epoxy mortar
Handmade hollow wedges made of epoxy mortar are far more flexible, but for these you must expect far greater fluctuations in surfaces and rounding radii.
The rounding between the floor and the wall can be done by using a grommet iron, and as a builder you are limited by the radii in which the irons are delivered. The handmade grommet can in principle be adapted to the task as it follows the course of the floor and wall, which makes this type of howl very useful. The height is recommended to be limited to 75 mm. Hollow wedges higher than 75 mm tend to "collapse" during the curing period and form "curtains". In connection with tiling work, the bottom row of tiles should overlap the gutter, so that water running down the wall cannot run down behind the gutter. The surface and height of epoxy hollow tiles depends on the epoxy mortar. If you want a "tall" hollow, this must be built up / cast over several rounds and time must be set aside for this. Inner and outer corners will never appear 100% sharp and clean. They are handmade and will vary. For larger contracts, it is a good idea to carry out a muck-up so that solutions and expectations can be aligned. Termination against floor drain
The transition between the hard plastic floor and drainage channels is a very critical area.
This area requires special focus if the drain is exposed to large temperature fluctuations, such as in industrial kitchens and in the food industry.
The temperature fluctuations occur when, for example, boiling water is poured directly into the drain or in connection with cleaning the premises, where hot water flushing is often used. The increase in temperature will cause the drain to expand. A temperature increase of 50 oC in a 3-metre-long trench will cause a longitudinal expansion of 2-3 mm (depending on the specific material). When the drainage channel and the floor are to be built together, it is important that you are aware of this situation and that the riser is designed so that it can absorb the movements.
There is a wide range of drains that are specially designed for hard plastic floors. The flooring industry recommends that, when choosing a drain construction, you carefully consider which influences the drain and floor are expected to be exposed to. If the construction is expected to be exposed to large temperature fluctuations, the Flooring Industry recommends that an elastic joint be made in the transition between the drain and the floor covering. When choosing a joint material, influences from temperatures, cleaning agents and other chemicals should be included in the decision-making basis. The joint should be approx. 10 mm wide and 6-7 mm deep. It is important that the joint supplier's instructions are followed carefully. The sides of the joint groove should be primed and joint filler should be used. Joints around industrial drains should be inspected 2-3 times a year. If they are exposed to excessive thermal and chemical influences, a short lifespan (1-2 years) can be expected.
To ensure a good anchoring of the hard plastic coating, the Floor Industry recommends that grooves/recesses are made around the drainage edge. The groove must be large enough (width and depth) that the hard plastic coating surrounds the joint, see the pictures below.
Fig. 1a
Fig. 1b
Figure 1 a & b: Termination of hard plastic floors against drains, Image Blucher. Non-slip surfaces
Hardened plastic floor coverings can be made non-slip by adding hard particles to the base material, typically sand or glass beads are used. The size, quantity and shape of the sand grains as well as the ratio between sand and base material will determine the surface of the floor, and thus how slip-resistant the floor will be. If a topcoat is applied to the floor, the thickness of this will also affect the result. The basic principles in the construction of anti-slip epoxy and polyurethane floors are the same as for ordinary PU / epoxy floors.
The first process is typically a priming of the subfloor. The next operation is the application of the actual coating, also called the body coat. While the bodycoat is wet, the floor is sanded. The sanding is carried out manually and as a developer you must expect (large) variations in the surface. The paver must of course have an insult about how much sand is sprinkled per m2, but variations will occur. The best results are usually obtained by "saturating" the body coat, i.e. adding so much sand to the body that, after sanding, there is a uniform, evenly distributed layer of sand over the entire floor surface. The excess sand is removed when the floor has hardened by vacuuming, etc. The floor will now have a very rough and rough surface and will often be too non-slip and more or less impossible to clean. (However, as previously mentioned, the surface will also depend on the grain size and shape of the sand used). To make the surface smoother, a light sanding of the surface is therefore often carried out. Finally, a topcoat can be applied to the floor.
It is also possible to add anti-slip particles to the topcoat, with this method, glass beads are typically added. With this method, only a relatively light non-slip protection can be achieved and as a consumer you must be aware that the non-slip protection will decrease over time primarily due to wear, but incorrect / too much use of cleaning agents will also affect the surface. For the sanded-up products, the anti-slip protection is more stable overtime.
Always make a test floor. Most suppliers state in their technical specifications which slip resistance class the coating belongs to, but small variations in quantities and materials can cause large variations in the finished surface. The expectations for the finished floor should therefore always be agreed between the contractor and the client by carrying out a test area for the client's approval. Selection of seamless floor covering
Choosing the correct floor construction can be achieved by analyzing the loads the floor covering will be exposed to. Both the load-bearing part of the structure and the floor covering must be chosen correctly in relation to the static, dynamic, chemical and thermal influences to which the structure is exposed.
Static, dynamic, chemical and thermal influences during execution and operation, including cleaning, must be taken into account when choosing a floor construction.
It must be emphasized that the floor is always only as good as the subfloor it is laid on, i.e. the concrete deck or a possible screed layer.
Static and dynamic loads
• Point load
• Loads from shelf legs, stationary wheels or the like. with circular, rectangular or square pressure surfaces under 225 mm2.
Line load
• Loads from rigid, continuous (rectangular) pressure surfaces with a maximum load width of 100 mm.
Flat load
• Loads from machines, equipment or the like. with circular, rectangular or square pressure surfaces over 225 mm2.
• Vibrations from machines or other things that can cause oscillation in the construction and in the long term result in material breakage. Walking load Where there is intensive walking load, e.g. in narrow walking areas, etc., it must be included in the assessment of the loads.
Wheel load
• Wheels on office chairs have a small diameter and therefore expose the floor to a large point load.
• The pressure surface of cast iron and nylon wheels (the actual contact surface of the wheel) is often very small - less than 1 cm2. This can cause unacceptably large load transfers to the floor. When the wheels are running, there is also a strong mechanical impact on the floor.
Chemical loads
• It is important to be able to assess whether there is a risk of chemical influences on a floor covering. In order to make this assessment, detailed information is required on which substances the floor covering may come into contact with - and how!
• It is not sufficient, for example, to know that the material comes into contact with acid, as this is a broad term. The type, the pH value, the concentration and a possible combination of various influences, e.g. acid in connection with heat, are of decisive importance for the final assessment of a specific floor covering's resistance.
• In addition to assessing the effect of individual chemicals on the floor, the consequences of any chemical reactions must also be taken into consideration. What happens, for example, if the chemicals are mixed on the floor? What is their concentration or dissolution, both at the moment they are dropped - and after evaporation?
Thermal loads
• Permanently high or low temperatures and changing temperatures (temperature shock) can cause failure of the floor covering.
• In addition to taking into account temperatures of machinery in operation and products being processed, temperatures in adjacent areas must also be taken into account. In certain areas where, for example, autoclaving, boiling, sterilization or flash freezing are carried out, the temperatures are often extreme.
Safety / comfort
Walking safety
• In walking and working areas, different degrees of walking safety are required, depending on whether the floor is wet or dry.
• Therefore, the surface finish of the floor should be coordinated with the risk of spillage on the floor. For wet floors, the rougher the surface structure - the greater the walking safety. Conversely, the requirements for cleaning and hygiene become more difficult to meet.
• It is therefore advisable to perform the floor with different walking safety that is coordinated so that the requirements for specific areas can be honored.
• In many companies, e.g. the pharmaceutical industry, the cosmetics industry, the food and beverage industry, as well as the chemical and electronics industry, there are strict requirements for hygiene.
• The requirement will normally be completely clean surroundings, i.e. dust-free floors without cracks or sharp angles that are difficult to clean.
Electrostatic properties
• In many industries, demands are placed on the floor's electrostatic properties.
• The demand is made, among other things, to prevent electrical disturbances in sensitive electronic equipment or to counteract the build-up of static electricity which may cause sparks or explosion hazards.
Choice of flooring
• The choice of seamless floor covering should always be made based on functional requirements, which have been set up on the basis of functional analyses.
• For this purpose, a use and/or production flow and a complete room list for the building are drawn up. Next, a functional analysis is carried out for the floor in the individual rooms, for example by using the form "Choosing seamless flooring - functional analysis".
• The result of the functional analysis forms an overview of the load-bearing functional requirements and is thus the basis for the correct choice of floor covering and structural construction.
Suppliers of seamless floors can, based on the functional analysis, advise on which product and coating types are most suitable for a given purpose. Functional analysis - jointless floors Functional analysis 1 Cleaning
Cleaning of seamless floor coverings is described in the chapter on maintenance, go to the section using this link. Expectations for thermoset floors
Our experience of a product is to a very large extent governed by the expectations we have for it. The flooring industry has prepared a leaflet that addresses the expectations you as a consumer can rightly have for a hard plastic floor, click here to read the expectations leaflet. In addition, www.gulvbranchen.dk contains a number of technical publications about floors and floor coverings. By clicking here, you will be directed to the technical publications.