
In this category you will find all Tarkett vinyl floors. Vinyl floors from Tarkett are hard-wearing, durable and easy to clean when you need to.

At the beginning of 2014, Tarkett began to gradually switch to phthalate-free plasticizers at all factories worldwide.
In the Nordics, Tarkett has in recent years used phthalate-free technology at its factory in Ronneby in Sweden. Already in 2009, we launched the industry's first phthalate-free homogeneous vinyl floors with renewable plasticizers. Since 2011, they have removed phthalates from all homogenous commercial vinyl flooring manufactured in Sweden.

Beginning in the spring of 2014, Tarkett will gradually switch to phthalate-free plasticizers in the manufacture of vinyl flooring for both homes and public spaces at all of their factories across Europe. Factories outside Europe will follow in the coming years. The plasticizer that Tarkett will use in the future is approved for use in food packaging and in toys for children under 3 years of age.

24% Off
€19.98 per m2
You save: €6.17 per m2
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€19.98 per m2
You save: €6.17 per m2
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€19.98 per m2
You save: €6.17 per m2
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€26.69 per m2
You save: €13.40 per m2
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€26.69 per m2
You save: €13.40 per m2
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€26.69 per m2
You save: €10.72 per m2
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