€95.86 per m2
€107.13 per m2
€120.00 per m2
€120.00 per m2
€125.36 per m2
€165.59 per m2
€242.01 per m2
€280.90 per m2

Entrance lots
Entrance mats are important in modern buildings as they reduce maintenance costs, help keep the building in presentable condition throughout the day and preserve the interior from wear and tear. The entrance area is also the first thing your customers see.

Professional entrances for companies and private individuals
Forbo Flooring supplies professional entrance mats to both companies and individuals in 32 different countries. Forbo Flooring is an international group with many years of experience in creating the perfect entryway for various needs. A good, high-quality entrance is an effective way to reduce cleaning, repair and maintenance costs.
Forbo offers unique, high-quality floor solutions which, via durability and design finish, ensure the best solutions at every stage of the building's life cycle, from specification to installation of the finished floor. We also service private individuals who want a new, beautiful entrance that will remain beautiful for many years.

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