HandyHeat, Camping heating foil per meters

20% Off
You save: €6.70
Model: 10052
Weight: 2 kg
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 2-5 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 2-5 day(s)

CV400 is supplied in lengths from 0.25 meters and up to 50 meters. The flexible and effective solution to get a warm floor in the living room under the carpet, Caravan or boat. HandyHeat Camping heating is suitable for mounting directly under carpets. With a thickness of half a millimeter, it has a construction height of no practical importance. The power can be freely selected by connecting a transformer that emits a voltage in the range from 42 volts to 48 volts. The heating effect changes at 42 to 48 volts from 32 to 42 Watts per running meter of heating foil. Camping heat is produced in an advanced production process based on a conductive carbon polymer that is applied to a PET foil and laminated. A 10-year warranty is provided.

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