By: Bona

Bona Mega

35% Off
You save: €69.17
Model: 1137em
Weight: 5 kg
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s)

Bona Mega is a water-based top coat. Perfect for treating wood and parquet floors in residential and public environments. It is a 2-component varnish completely without the addition of hardener.

Contains: 5 litres
Variants: Extra mat and Silk mat
Drying time: 2.5-3 hours at 20C.
Coverage: 8-10 m2/litre - (100-120 g/m2) per application.
Other info: Easy to use - Gives a deep wood color - Does not yellow - High resistance to heel marks and scratches

More info - download pdf:
Bona Mega.pdf

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