
In this category you will find a selection of beautiful and stable bamboo floors with a click system. Bamboo Elite Premium differs from Bamboo Elite in that the floors are supplied with a click system.

34% Off
Model: BF-EL321-02
MOSO® Bamboo Elite Premium consists of 3 cross-glued layers of hard bamboo, i.e. 100% bamboo throughout. Bamboo Elite Premium is completely CO2 neutral. MOSO® Bamboo Elite PremiumVersatile and easy to installMOSO® Bamboo elite consists of a top layer of hard bamboo combined with 2 additional layers ...more
€52.16 per 1m2
€116.31 per pack
You save:
€26.82 per 1m2
€59.80 per pack
Availability: Only 26 item(s) left in stock Only 26 item(s) left in stock
30% Off
Model: BF-EL371
MOSO® Bamboo Elite Premium consists of 3 cross-glued layers of hard bamboo, i.e. 100% bamboo throughout. Bamboo Elite Premium is completely CO2 neutral. MOSO® Bamboo Elite PremiumVersatile and easy to installMOSO® Bamboo elite consists of a top layer of hard bamboo combined with 2 additional layers ...more
€53.50 per 1m2
€119.30 per pack
You save:
€22.79 per 1m2
€50.83 per pack
Availability: Only 31 item(s) left in stock Only 31 item(s) left in stock
39% Off
Model: BF-EL250
MOSO® Bamboo Elite Premium consists of 3 cross-glued layers of hard bamboo, i.e. 100% bamboo throughout. Bamboo Elite Premium is completely CO2 neutral. MOSO® Bamboo Elite PremiumVersatile and easy to installMOSO® Bamboo elite consists of a top layer of hard bamboo combined with 2 additional layers ...more
€58.86 per 1m2
€103.60 per pack
You save:
€37.00 per 1m2
€65.13 per pack
Availability: Only 70 item(s) left in stock Only 70 item(s) left in stock
19% Off
Model: BF-EL373
MOSO® Bamboo Elite Premium consists of 3 cross-glued layers of hard bamboo, i.e. 100% bamboo throughout. Bamboo Elite Premium is completely CO2 neutral. MOSO® Bamboo Elite PremiumVersatile and easy to installMOSO® Bamboo elite consists of a top layer of hard bamboo combined with 2 additional layers ...more
€61.54 per 1m2
€137.24 per pack
You save:
€14.75 per 1m2
€32.89 per pack
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 5-10 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 5-10 day(s)
19% Off
Model: BF-EL346
MOSO® Bamboo Elite Premium består af 3 krydslimede lag af hård bambus, altså 100% bambus hele vejen igennem. Bamboo Elite Premium er fuldstændig CO2 neutral. MOSO® Bamboo Elite PremiumAlsidig og nem at montereMOSO® Bamboo elite består af et toplag af hård bambus kombineret med 2 yderligere lag kryd ...more
€61.54 per 1m2
€137.24 per pack
You save:
€14.75 per 1m2
€32.89 per pack
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 5-10 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 5-10 day(s)
19% Off
Model: BF-EL200-02
MOSO® Bamboo Elite Premium consists of 3 cross-glued layers of hard bamboo, i.e. 100% bamboo throughout. Bamboo Elite Premium is completely CO2 neutral. MOSO® Bamboo Elite PremiumVersatile and easy to installMOSO® Bamboo elite consists of a top layer of hard bamboo combined with 2 additional layers ...more
€77.64 per 1m2
€136.64 per pack
You save:
€18.77 per 1m2
€33.03 per pack
Availability: Only 9 item(s) left in stock + more with expected delivery in 5-10 day(s) Only 9 item(s) left in stock + more with expected delivery in 5-10 day(s)

Med Moso Bamboo Elite Premium kan du nu opleve den naturlige varme og charme, som bambusgulve tilføjer ethvert rum, uden besværet ved traditionel installation. Det smarte kliksystem gør det muligt at samle plankerne præcist og sikkert uden brug af søm eller lim. Dette betyder, at selv gør-det-selv-entusiaster og hobbyhåndværkere nemt kan opgradere deres bolig med disse smukke gulve.

Sammenfattende tilbyder Moso Bamboo Elite Premium ikke kun det bedste fra bambusverdenen i form af skønhed og holdbarhed, men det gør også installationen til en leg med sit smarte kliksystem. Så uanset om du renoverer dit hjem eller skaber en ny bygning, er Moso Bamboo Elite Premium det ideelle valg for dem, der ønsker et smukt og funktionelt gulv med en let installation.

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