
Pergo Visby Modern Plank Sensation laminatgulv er det perfekte valg for dig, der ønsker et stilfuldt, moderne gulv, der kombinerer tidløst design med innovativ funktionalitet. Med sin autentiske træstruktur og realistiske overflade er det svært at tro, at dette er laminatgulv. Visby Modern Plank Sensation bringer et friskt og elegant udtryk ind i dit hjem, hvor hver planke tilføjer en subtil, men sofistikeret atmosfære, uanset om du foretrækker lyse eller mørke nuancer.

En af de helt store styrker ved Pergo Visby Modern Plank Sensation er dens modstandsdygtighed over for vand og slid, hvilket gør det til et ideelt valg for hjem med børn, kæledyr eller i rum, hvor der er høj trafik. Med den avancerede TitanX™ overfladeteknologi beskyttes gulvet effektivt mod ridser, pletter og generelt slid, hvilket sikrer, at gulvet bevarer sin skønhed i mange år fremover. Desuden er gulvet udstyret med AquaSafe-teknologi, som gør det vandresistent – perfekt til køkkener og entréer, hvor spild og fugt ofte forekommer.

43% Off
€26.69 per 1m2
€48.96 per pack
You save:
€20.12 per 1m2
€36.90 per pack
Model: L0331-03374
43% Off
€26.69 per 1m2
€48.96 per pack
You save:
€20.12 per 1m2
€36.90 per pack
Model: L0331-03372
43% Off
€26.69 per 1m2
€48.96 per pack
You save:
€20.12 per 1m2
€36.90 per pack
Model: L0331-03369
43% Off
€26.69 per 1m2
€48.96 per pack
You save:
€20.12 per 1m2
€36.90 per pack
Model: L0331-03869
23% Off
€36.06 per 1m2
€66.19 per pack
You save:
€10.72 per 1m2
€19.67 per pack
Model: L0331-03373
23% Off
€36.06 per 1m2
€66.19 per pack
You save:
€10.72 per 1m2
€19.67 per pack
Model: L0331-03367
23% Off
€36.06 per 1m2
€66.19 per pack
You save:
€10.72 per 1m2
€19.67 per pack
Model: L0331-03368
23% Off
€36.06 per 1m2
€66.19 per pack
You save:
€10.72 per 1m2
€19.67 per pack
Model: L0331-03376
23% Off
€36.06 per 1m2
€66.19 per pack
You save:
€10.72 per 1m2
€19.67 per pack
Model: L0331-03370
23% Off
€36.06 per 1m2
€66.19 per pack
You save:
€10.72 per 1m2
€19.67 per pack
Model: L0331-03375
23% Off
€36.06 per 1m2
€66.19 per pack
You save:
€10.72 per 1m2
€19.67 per pack
Model: L0331-03371
23% Off
€36.06 per 1m2
€66.19 per pack
You save:
€10.72 per 1m2
€19.67 per pack
Model: L0331-03868
23% Off
€36.06 per 1m2
€66.19 per pack
You save:
€10.72 per 1m2
€19.67 per pack
Model: L0331-03867
23% Off
€36.06 per 1m2
€66.19 per pack
You save:
€10.72 per 1m2
€19.67 per pack
Model: L0331-03866
24% Off
€40.90 per 1m2
€75.04 per pack
You save:
€12.60 per 1m2
€23.12 per pack
Model: L0231-xxxxx


  • Best wear resistance: Thanks to the patented TitanX™ surface protection, a Pergo laminate floor maintains its elegant finish year in and year out.
  • Beauty: Our collections contain seven different surface textures , all of which aim to enhance the true expression of your laminate floor. From the worn wooden floor in a classic style, to the natural feeling of wood.
  • Easy installation: All Pergo laminate floors in all quality levels are supplied with the innovative PerfectFold™ 3.0 click system, which offers three different installation methods .
  • Water repellent: The surface protection of our new Sensation floors reaches right into the bevelled joints and creates a completely closed surface. In addition, a water-repellent layer on the edges of the planks ensures that water cannot penetrate the floor.
  • Antistatic: we have developed a patented technology that gives certain floors permanent antistatic properties throughout the life of the floor.
  • Environment: Our environmental policy affects our choice of raw materials, production processes, transport and packaging. And it's not just words.
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