
Perstorp has classic plank length with a slightly polished structure that follows the grain of the wood in every detail, complemented by a silky matt finish. Thanks to the AquaSafe technology, this laminate floor offers exceptional protection against water.

46% Off
Model: L0352-01822
Nordic White Ash has classic plank length with a slightly polished structure that follows the grain of the wood in every detail, complemented by a silky matt finish. Thanks to the AquaSafe technology, this laminate floor offers exceptional protection against water. Gloss: MatteFormats: 1200 x 190 m ...more
€18.64 per 1m2
€29.75 per pack
You save:
€16.08 per 1m2
€25.67 per pack
Availability: Only 19 item(s) left in stock Only 19 item(s) left in stock
46% Off
Model: L0370-04085
Et nyt bud på det originale laminatgulv fra over 40 år siden. Perstorp er en moderne skandinavisk klassiker, der passer ind i ethvert rum og hjem. Og uden fasede samlinger får disse gulve dine rum til at se uendelige ud – uanset hvor store eller små de er. Selve navnet Perstorp er en hyldest til den ...more
€18.64 per 1m2
€29.82 per pack
You save:
€16.09 per 1m2
€25.74 per pack
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s)
46% Off
Model: L0370-08012
Et nyt bud på det originale laminatgulv fra over 40 år siden. Perstorp er en moderne skandinavisk klassiker, der passer ind i ethvert rum og hjem. Og uden fasede samlinger får disse gulve dine rum til at se uendelige ud – uanset hvor store eller små de er. Selve navnet Perstorp er en hyldest til den ...more
€18.64 per 1m2
€29.82 per pack
You save:
€16.09 per 1m2
€25.74 per pack
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s)
46% Off
Model: L0370-04093
Et nyt bud på det originale laminatgulv fra over 40 år siden. Perstorp er en moderne skandinavisk klassiker, der passer ind i ethvert rum og hjem. Og uden fasede samlinger får disse gulve dine rum til at se uendelige ud – uanset hvor store eller små de er. Selve navnet Perstorp er en hyldest til den ...more
€18.64 per 1m2
€29.82 per pack
You save:
€16.09 per 1m2
€25.74 per pack
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s)
46% Off
Model: L0370-08013
Et nyt bud på det originale laminatgulv fra over 40 år siden. Perstorp er en moderne skandinavisk klassiker, der passer ind i ethvert rum og hjem. Og uden fasede samlinger får disse gulve dine rum til at se uendelige ud – uanset hvor store eller små de er. Selve navnet Perstorp er en hyldest til den ...more
€18.64 per 1m2
€29.82 per pack
You save:
€16.09 per 1m2
€25.74 per pack
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s)
42% Off
Model: L0352-01819
Classic Oak has classic plank length with a slightly polished structure that follows the grain of the wood in every detail, complemented by a silky matt finish. Thanks to the AquaSafe technology, this laminate floor offers exceptional protection against water. Gloss: MatteFormats: 1200 x 190 mm.Thi ...more
€19.98 per 1m2
€31.89 per pack
You save:
€14.74 per 1m2
€23.53 per pack
Availability: Only 18 item(s) left in stock Only 18 item(s) left in stock
42% Off
Model: L0352-04085
Natural Honey Oak has classic plank length with a slightly polished structure that follows the grain of the wood in every detail, complemented by a silky matt finish. Thanks to the AquaSafe technology, this laminate floor offers exceptional protection against water. Gloss: MatteFormats: 1200 x 190 ...more
€19.98 per 1m2
€31.89 per pack
You save:
€14.74 per 1m2
€23.53 per pack
Availability: Only 3 item(s) left in stock Only 3 item(s) left in stock
42% Off
Model: L0352-04093
Beige Sand Oak has classic plank length with a slightly polished structure that follows the grain of the wood in every detail, complemented by a silky matt finish. Thanks to the AquaSafe technology, this laminate floor offers exceptional protection against water. Gloss: MatteFormats: 1200 x 190 mm. ...more
€19.98 per 1m2
€31.89 per pack
You save:
€14.74 per 1m2
€23.53 per pack
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s)
42% Off
Model: L0352-05802
Greige Fjord Oak has classic plank length with a slightly polished structure that follows the grain of the wood in every detail, complemented by a silky matt finish. Thanks to the AquaSafe technology, this laminate floor offers exceptional protection against water. Gloss: MatteFormats: 1200 x 190 m ...more
€19.98 per 1m2
€31.89 per pack
You save:
€14.74 per 1m2
€23.53 per pack
Availability: Only 66 item(s) left in stock + more with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s) Only 66 item(s) left in stock + more with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s)
21% Off
Model: L0352-01786
Gray Oak has classic plank length with a slightly polished structure that follows the grain of the wood in every detail, complemented by a silky matt finish. Thanks to the AquaSafe technology, this laminate floor offers exceptional protection against water. Gloss: MatteFormats: 1200 x 190 mm.Thickn ...more
€27.49 per 1m2
€43.86 per pack
You save:
€7.25 per 1m2
€11.56 per pack
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s)
21% Off
Model: L0352-01789
Elegant Oak has classic plank length with a slightly polished structure that follows the grain of the wood in every detail, complemented by a silky matt finish. Thanks to the AquaSafe technology, this laminate floor offers exceptional protection against water. Gloss: MatteFormats: 1200 x 190 mm.Thi ...more
€27.49 per 1m2
€43.86 per pack
You save:
€7.25 per 1m2
€11.56 per pack
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s)
21% Off
Model: L0352-01796
Supreme Beech has classic plank length with a lightly polished structure that follows the grain of the wood in every detail, complemented by a silky matt finish. Thanks to the AquaSafe technology, this laminate floor offers exceptional protection against water. Gloss: MatteFormats: 1200 x 190 mm.Th ...more
€27.49 per 1m2
€43.86 per pack
You save:
€7.25 per 1m2
€11.56 per pack
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s)
21% Off
Model: L0352-01797
Linen Oak has classic plank length with a slightly polished structure that follows the grain of the wood in every detail, complemented by a silky matt finish. Thanks to the AquaSafe technology, this laminate floor offers exceptional protection against water. Gloss: MatteFormats: 1200 x 190 mm.Thick ...more
€27.49 per 1m2
€43.86 per pack
You save:
€7.25 per 1m2
€11.56 per pack
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s)
21% Off
Model: L0352-01799
Pure Oak has classic plank length with a slightly polished structure that follows the grain of the wood in every detail, complemented by a silky matt finish. Thanks to the AquaSafe technology, this laminate floor offers exceptional protection against water. Gloss: MatteFormats: 1200 x 190 mm.Thickn ...more
€27.49 per 1m2
€43.86 per pack
You save:
€7.25 per 1m2
€11.56 per pack
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s)
21% Off
Model: L0352-01800
Nordic Ash has classic plank length with a slightly polished structure that follows the grain of the wood in every detail, complemented by a silky matt finish. Thanks to the AquaSafe technology, this laminate floor offers exceptional protection against water. Gloss: MatteFormats: 1200 x 190 mm.Thic ...more
€27.49 per 1m2
€43.86 per pack
You save:
€7.25 per 1m2
€11.56 per pack
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s)
21% Off
Model: L0352-01802
Mountain Gray Oak has classic plank length with a lightly polished structure that follows the grain of the wood in every detail, complemented by a silky matt finish. Thanks to the AquaSafe technology, this laminate floor offers exceptional protection against water. Gloss: MatteFormats: 1200 x 190 m ...more
€27.49 per 1m2
€43.86 per pack
You save:
€7.25 per 1m2
€11.56 per pack
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s)
21% Off
Model: L0352-01820
Dark Brown Oak has classic plank length with a lightly polished structure that follows the grain of the wood in every detail, complemented by a silky matt finish. Thanks to the AquaSafe technology, this laminate floor offers exceptional protection against water. Gloss: MatteFormats: 1200 x 190 mm.T ...more
€27.49 per 1m2
€43.86 per pack
You save:
€7.25 per 1m2
€11.56 per pack
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s)
21% Off
Model: L0352-03364
Morning Oak has classic plank length with a lightly polished structure that follows the grain of the wood in every detail, complemented by a silky matt finish. Thanks to the AquaSafe technology, this laminate floor offers exceptional protection against water. Gloss: MatteFormats: 1200 x 190 mm.Thic ...more
€27.49 per 1m2
€43.86 per pack
You save:
€7.25 per 1m2
€11.56 per pack
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s)
21% Off
Model: L0352-05787
Nordic Natural Oak has classic plank length with a slightly polished structure that follows the grain of the wood in every detail, complemented by a silky matt finish. Thanks to the AquaSafe technology, this laminate floor offers exceptional protection against water. Gloss: MatteFormats: 1200 x 190 ...more
€27.49 per 1m2
€43.86 per pack
You save:
€7.25 per 1m2
€11.56 per pack
Availability: Out of stock Low stock
21% Off
Model: L0352-05793
Umber Oak has classic plank length with a slightly polished structure that follows the grain of the wood in every detail, complemented by a silky matt finish. Thanks to the AquaSafe technology, this laminate floor offers exceptional protection against water. Gloss: MatteFormats: 1200 x 190 mm.Thick ...more
€27.49 per 1m2
€43.86 per pack
You save:
€7.25 per 1m2
€11.56 per pack
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s)
21% Off
Model: L0352-05798
Frosty Gray Oak has classic plank length with a slightly polished structure that follows the grain of the wood in every detail, complemented by a silky matt finish. Thanks to the AquaSafe technology, this laminate floor offers exceptional protection against water. Gloss: MatteFormats: 1200 x 190 mm ...more
€27.49 per 1m2
€43.86 per pack
You save:
€7.25 per 1m2
€11.56 per pack
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s)

Installationen af Pergo Perstorp er også enkel og hurtig takket være Pergos PerfectFold™ klik-system, som gør det nemt at lægge gulvet uden brug af lim eller specialværktøj. Dette gør det muligt at installere gulvet hurtigt, og du kan nyde et smukt resultat med det samme. Derudover er Perstorp laminatgulv kompatibelt med gulvvarme, hvilket sikrer komfort og varme i hjemmet – selv på de kolde vinterdage.

Miljøbevidste forbrugere vil også glæde sig over, at Pergo Perstorp laminatgulv er produceret med bæredygtige materialer og er PEFC-certificeret, hvilket garanterer, at træet kommer fra ansvarligt forvaltede skove. Således kan du vælge Perstorp med god samvittighed og vide, at du ikke kun gør noget godt for dit hjem, men også for miljøet.

Ofte stillede spørgsmål om Pergo Perstorp:
Kan Pergo Perstorp laminatgulv bruges i køkkenet?
Ja, gulvet er vandresistent og kan derfor anvendes i køkkener, hvor det kan blive udsat for fugt og spild.

Er det nemt at installere Pergo Perstorp laminatgulv selv?
Absolut! Med PerfectFold™ klik-systemet er det nemt at lægge gulvet selv uden behov for lim eller professionel hjælp.

Er Pergo Perstorp laminatgulv modstandsdygtigt over for ridser?
Ja, gulvet er udstyret med TitanX™ overfladebeskyttelse, som gør det yderst modstandsdygtigt over for ridser og daglig slitage.

Kan Pergo Perstorp laminatgulv bruges sammen med gulvvarme?
Ja, gulvet er kompatibelt med gulvvarme, hvilket sikrer ekstra komfort i dit hjem, især i de kolde måneder.

Hvordan vedligeholder jeg bedst mit Pergo Perstorp laminatgulv?
Vedligeholdelsen er let. Støvsug eller fej gulvet regelmæssigt, og brug en let fugtig moppe til at fjerne pletter. Undgå at bruge store mængder vand.

Er Pergo Perstorp laminatgulv miljøvenligt?
Ja, gulvet er PEFC-certificeret, hvilket betyder, at det er fremstillet af træ fra ansvarligt forvaltede skove, så du kan vælge det med god samvittighed.

Hvor slidstærkt er Pergo Perstorp laminatgulv?
Perstorp er designet til at modstå høj trafik og daglig brug, hvilket gør det til et ideelt valg til familier med børn eller kæledyr samt til kommercielle områder.

Hvilke rum er Pergo Perstorp laminatgulv mest velegnet til?
Det er velegnet til stort set alle rum i hjemmet, herunder stuer, soveværelser, entréer og køkkener. Dog anbefales det ikke til vådrum som badeværelser.

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