
Trondheim offers fascinating long planks that give your space an elegant, majestic expression. A look that never goes out of fashion. Trondheim is really hard to distinguish from real wood because of the Sensation properties. With natural knots and veins and a deeper, more refined structure and with all the advantages of a laminate floor , such as water-repellent surface and wear resistance.

46% Off
Model: L0361-06398
Blonde Oak is a fresh oak design with a light beige tone. The improved contrasts in the wood's structure and design create a vibrant and luxurious look. This floor will be a real eye-catcher in any room. Blonde Oak is a Sensation floor, which means the floor has deep, extra-authentic textures and a ...more
€26.69 per 1m2
€69.11 per pack
You save:
€22.89 per 1m2
€59.28 per pack
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s)
42% Off
Model: L0361-06400
Beige Oak is a living oak design with a beige tone. The improved contrasts in the wood's structure and design create a vibrant and luxurious look. This floor will be a real eye-catcher in any room. Beige Oak is a Sensation floor, which means that the floor has deep, extra-authentic textures and a so ...more
€28.83 per 1m2
€74.81 per pack
You save:
€20.65 per 1m2
€53.58 per pack
Availability: Only 50 item(s) left in stock + more with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s) Only 50 item(s) left in stock + more with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s)
42% Off
Model: L0361-06399
Fresh Nordic Oak is a soft oak design with a beige tone. The improved contrasts in the wood's structure and design create a vibrant and luxurious look. This floor will be a real eye-catcher in any room. Fresh Nordic Oak is a Sensation floor, which means that the floor has deep, extra authentic textu ...more
€28.83 per 1m2
€74.81 per pack
You save:
€20.65 per 1m2
€53.58 per pack
Availability: Only 56 item(s) left in stock + more with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s) Only 56 item(s) left in stock + more with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s)
24% Off
Model: L0361-06405
Light Beige Oak is a beautiful oak design with a light beige tone. The knots and cracks give the floor a rustic look Light Beige Oak is a Sensation floor, which means that the floor has deep, extra authentic textures and a sophisticated matt finish that makes it almost impossible to distinguish from ...more
€37.41 per 1m2
€97.07 per pack
You save:
€12.07 per 1m2
€31.32 per pack
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s)
24% Off
Model: L0361-06407
Maroon Oak is a live oak design with a dark brown hue. The knots and cracks give the floor a rustic look Maroon Oak is a Sensation floor, which means the floor has deep, extra authentic textures and a sophisticated matte finish that makes it almost impossible to distinguish from real wood. The long ...more
€37.41 per 1m2
€97.07 per pack
You save:
€12.07 per 1m2
€31.32 per pack
Availability: Only 1 item(s) left in stock + more with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s) Only 1 item(s) left in stock + more with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s)
24% Off
Model: L0361-06411
Romantic Natural Oak is a calm oak design with a warm beige tone. Its refined wooden structure creates an exclusive, minimalist look, and the color adds warmth to your interior. Romantic Natural Oak is a Sensation floor, which means that the floor has deep, extra authentic textures and a sophisticat ...more
€37.41 per 1m2
€97.07 per pack
You save:
€12.07 per 1m2
€31.32 per pack
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s)
24% Off
Model: L0361-06403
Dark Mature Oak is a vibrant oak design with a black tone and shades of dark grey. The improved contrasts in the wood's structure and design create a vibrant and luxurious look. This floor will be a real eye-catcher in any room. Dark Mature Oak is a Sensation floor, which means that the floor has de ...more
€37.41 per 1m2
€97.07 per pack
You save:
€12.07 per 1m2
€31.32 per pack
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s)
24% Off
Model: L0361-06410
Romantic Greige Oak is a calm oak design with a warm grey-brown tone. Its refined wooden structure creates an exclusive, minimalist look, and the color adds warmth to your interior. Romantic Greige Oak is a Sensation floor, which means that the floor has deep, extra authentic textures and a sophisti ...more
€37.41 per 1m2
€97.07 per pack
You save:
€12.07 per 1m2
€31.32 per pack
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s)
24% Off
Model: L0361-06406
Spring Oak is a living oak design with a natural beige shade. The knots and cracks give the floor a rustic look Spring Oak is a Sensation floor, which means the floor has deep, extra authentic textures and a sophisticated matte finish that makes it almost impossible to distinguish from real wood. Th ...more
€37.41 per 1m2
€97.07 per pack
You save:
€12.07 per 1m2
€31.32 per pack
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s)
24% Off
Model: L0361-06404
Light Gray Oak is a living oak design with a light gray tone. The knots and cracks give the floor a rustic look Light Gray Oak is a Sensation floor, which means that the floor has deep, extra authentic textures and a sophisticated matte finish that makes it almost impossible to distinguish from real ...more
€37.41 per 1m2
€97.07 per pack
You save:
€12.07 per 1m2
€31.32 per pack
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s)
24% Off
Model: L0361-06402
Browned Oak is a live oak design with a dark brown hue. The improved contrasts in the wood's structure and design create a vibrant and luxurious look. This floor will be a real eye-catcher in any room. Browned Oak is a Sensation floor, which means that the floor has deep, extra-authentic textures an ...more
€37.41 per 1m2
€97.07 per pack
You save:
€12.07 per 1m2
€31.32 per pack
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s)
24% Off
Model: L0361-06409
Beige Oak is a living oak design with a beige tone. The improved contrasts in the wood's structure and design create a vibrant and luxurious look. This floor will be a real eye-catcher in any room. Beige Oak is a Sensation floor, which means that the floor has deep, extra-authentic textures and a so ...more
€37.41 per 1m2
€97.07 per pack
You save:
€12.07 per 1m2
€31.32 per pack
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s)
24% Off
Model: L0361-06401
Warm Natural Oak is a living oak design with honey colored tones. The improved contrasts in the wood's structure and design create a vibrant and luxurious look. This floor will be a real eye-catcher in any room. Warm Natural Oak is a Sensation floor, which means that the floor has deep, extra authen ...more
€37.41 per 1m2
€97.07 per pack
You save:
€12.07 per 1m2
€31.32 per pack
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s)
24% Off
Model: L0361-06408
Romantic Light Gray Oak is a calm oak design with a light gray tone. Its refined wooden structure creates an exclusive, minimalist look, and the color adds warmth to your interior. Romantic Light Gray Oak is a Sensation floor, which means that the floor has deep, extra authentic textures and a sophi ...more
€37.41 per 1m2
€97.07 per pack
You save:
€12.07 per 1m2
€31.32 per pack
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s)
26% Off
Model: L0261-xxxxx

If you want to buy the floor in Excellence quality, you must note the last 5 numbers in the item number below!

€41.43 per 1m2
€107.51 per pack
You save:
€14.75 per 1m2
€38.28 per pack
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-6 day(s)

Installationen af Pergo Trondheim laminatgulv er enkel og hurtig takket være Pergos PerfectFold™ klik-system. Dette system gør det muligt at lægge gulvet uden brug af lim eller specialværktøj, så du kan opnå et professionelt resultat på ingen tid. Derudover er Trondheim laminatgulv velegnet til brug sammen med gulvvarme, hvilket gør det til en komfortabel og energieffektiv løsning for dit hjem. 

Gulvet er ikke kun en praktisk løsning, men også et miljøvenligt valg. Gulvet er produceret med bæredygtige materialer og er PEFC-certificeret, hvilket betyder, at det er fremstillet af træ fra ansvarligt forvaltede skove. Det gør Trondheim til en ansvarlig og langsigtet investering i både dit hjem og planetens fremtid.

Ofte stillede spørgsmål om Pergo Trondheim:
Er Pergo Trondheim laminatgulv velegnet til højtrafikerede områder?
Ja, gulvet er yderst slidstærkt takket være TitanX™ overfladebeskyttelsen, som gør det modstandsdygtigt over for ridser og daglig slitage.

Kan jeg installere Pergo Trondheim selv?
Ja, installationen er nem takket være PerfectFold™ klik-systemet, som gør det muligt at lægge gulvet hurtigt og uden brug af specialværktøj.

Er Pergo Trondheim vandresistent?
Ja, gulvet er vandresistent og kan derfor bruges i rum som køkkener og entréer, hvor det kan blive udsat for fugt og spild.

Er Pergo Trondheim egnet til gulvvarme?
Ja, gulvet er kompatibelt med gulvvarme, hvilket gør det til en komfortabel løsning i dit hjem, især i de kolde vintermåneder.

Hvordan vedligeholder jeg Pergo Trondheim laminatgulv?
Vedligeholdelsen er enkel. Du kan støvsuge eller feje gulvet regelmæssigt, og en let fugtig moppe kan bruges til rengøring. Undgå store mængder vand.

Er Pergo Trondheim laminatgulv miljøvenligt?
Ja, gulvet er PEFC-certificeret og fremstillet af træ fra ansvarligt forvaltede skove, hvilket gør det til et bæredygtigt valg.

Hvor lang er levetiden for Pergo Trondheim laminatgulv?
Gulvet er designet til at holde i mange år med minimal vedligeholdelse, takket være den robuste TitanX™ overfladebeskyttelse, der sikrer lang holdbarhed.

Hvilke rum er Pergo Trondheim bedst egnet til?
Trondheim laminatgulv er alsidigt og kan bruges i de fleste rum, såsom stuer, soveværelser, entréer og køkkener. Dog anbefales det ikke til vådrum som badeværelser.

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