
In this category you will find plinth tiles for virtually all tiles and clinkers in our range. The plinth tiles create a nice end to your tiling project.

11% Off
Shelf no.: 40 (30x60 cm.)Application: Floor/wall tileCountry of manufacture: ItalyColour: Light greySize: 65x615 mm.Wear resistance: 4Production method: RectifiedThickness: 9 mm.Frostproof: YesColor variation: V3Slip resistance: R10Surface: Matt Below you can see explanations of the descriptions yo ...more
You save: €1.35
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s)
11% Off
Shelf no.: 39 (30x60 cm.)Application: Floor/wall tileCountry of manufacture: ItalyColour: Dark greySize: 65x615 mm.Wear resistance: 4Production method: RectifiedThickness: 9 mm.Frostproof: YesColor variation: V3Slip resistance: R10Surface: Matt Below you can see explanations of the descriptions you ...more
You save: €1.35
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s)
11% Off
Shelf no.: 42 (30x60 cm.)Application: Floor/wall tileCountry of manufacture: ItalyColour: BeigeSize: 65x615 mm.Wear resistance: 4Production method: RectifiedThickness: 9 mm.Frostproof: YesColor variation: V3Anti-slip: R10Surface: Matt Below you can see explanations of the descriptions you will find ...more
You save: €1.35
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s)
11% Off
Shelf no.: 41 (30x60 cm.)Application: Floor/wall tileCountry of manufacture: ItalyColour: GreySize: 65x615 mm.Wear resistance: 4Production method: RectifiedThickness: 9 mm.Frostproof: YesColor variation: V3Slip resistance: R10Surface: Matt Below you can see explanations of the descriptions you will ...more
You save: €1.35
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s)
10% Off
Shelf no.: 17 (30x60 cm.)Application: Floor/wall tileCountry of manufacture: ItalyColour: BeigeSize: 70x600 mm.Wear resistance: 3Production method: RectifiedThickness: 10 mm.Frostproof: YesColor variation: V2Slip resistance: R11Surface: Matt Below you can see explanations of the descriptions you wi ...more
You save: €1.33
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s)
10% Off
Shelf no.: 19 (30x60 cm.)Application: Floor/wall tileCountry of manufacture: ItalyColour: Dark greySize: 70x600 mm.Wear resistance: 3Production method: RectifiedThickness: 10 mm.Frostproof: YesColor variation: V2Slip resistance: R11Surface: Matt Below you can see explanations of the descriptions yo ...more
You save: €1.33
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s)
10% Off
Shelf no.: 18 (30x60 cm.)Application: Floor/wall tileCountry of manufacture: ItalyColour: GreySize: 75x600 mm.Wear resistance: 3Production method: RectifiedThickness: 10 mm.Frostproof: YesColor variation: V2Slip resistance: R11Surface: Matt Below you can see explanations of the descriptions you wil ...more
You save: €1.33
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s)
10% Off
Shelf no.: 21 (30x60 cm.)Application: Floor/wall tileCountry of manufacture: ItalyColor: BlackSize: 70x600 mm.Wear resistance: 3Production method: RectifiedThickness: 10 mm.Frostproof: YesColor variation: V2Slip resistance: R11Surface: Matt Below you can see explanations of the descriptions you wil ...more
You save: €1.33
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s)
10% Off
Shelf no.: 20 (30x60 cm.)Application: Floor/wall tileCountry of manufacture: ItalyColour: BrownSize: 70x600 mm.Wear resistance: 3Production method: RectifiedThickness: 10 mm.Frostproof: YesColor variation: V2Slip resistance: R11Surface: Matt Below you can see explanations of the descriptions you wi ...more
You save: €1.33
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s)
17% Off
Shelf no.: 23 (30x60 cm.)Application: Floor/wall tileCountry of manufacture: ItalyColor: BlackSize: 70x600 mm.Wear resistance: 3Production method: RectifiedThickness: 10 mm.Frostproof: YesColor variation: V2Slip resistance: R10Surface: Matt Below you can see explanations of the descriptions you wil ...more
You save: €2.68
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s)

Hvad er sokkelfliser? Sokkelfliser er specialdesignede fliser, der bruges til at skabe en flot afslutning mellem gulv og væg. De beskytter væggen mod snavs og skader og giver en æstetisk flot finish.

Hvilke typer sokkelfliser tilbyder I? Vi har sokkelfliser, der matcher næsten alle fliser og klinker i vores sortiment. Vores udvalg omfatter forskellige farver, materialer og overflader, så du nemt kan finde noget, der passer til dine specifikke behov og designønsker.

Hvordan vælger jeg de rigtige sokkelfliser? For at vælge de rigtige sokkelfliser skal du overveje farven, materialet og finishen på dine eksisterende fliser. Sokkelfliserne skal komplementere dine gulvfliser eller vægfliser og skabe en harmonisk overgang.

Kan jeg bruge sokkelfliser i alle rum? Ja, sokkelfliser kan bruges i alle rum, hvor du ønsker en beskyttende og dekorativ kant mellem gulv og væg. De er særligt populære i badeværelser og køkkener, men kan også bruges i entreer, stuer og andre områder.

Hvordan installerer jeg sokkelfliser? Installation af sokkelfliser kræver præcision og omhu. Vi anbefaler, at du følger producentens vejledning nøje eller hyrer en professionel flisemurer for at sikre et perfekt resultat. Husk at bruge passende fliseklæb og fugemasse til materialet.

Hvorfor skal jeg vælge sokkelfliser fra Hos tilbyder vi et bredt udvalg af sokkelfliser af høj kvalitet til konkurrencedygtige priser. 

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