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All information on this page is copied material from Gulvfakta, which is a technical reference material, Source: Gulvfakta
Once the floor has been laid, proper maintenance in the form of cleaning and surface treatment is important. This section also describes renovation options for floors and stairs.
• Renovation: When renovating floors and stairs, it is understood (normally) that the existing floor covering or the existing surface treatment is replaced. In connection with this, there may also be a need for the establishment of existing foundations.
• Cleaning: The choice of floor covering is often determined by the purchase price and the lifespan of the covering. An often overlooked - but equally important factor - is the cost of cleaning the pavement. Cleaning is important for good maintenance of your floor, but it also depends on which floor you have.
• Surface treatment of wooden floors: Both in connection with renovation and in new construction, wooden floors are sanded and surface treated to an ever greater extent. It is important that this work is carried out in a professional manner.
• Basic descriptions: A basic description is a collection of description specifications that serve as a common reference basis for the construction parties