
On this page you will find a wide selection of acoustic panels and acoustic solutions for private and commercial use. With acoustic panels, you get beautiful and decorative panels for walls and ceilings, which also have a practical function. With acoustic panels, you can significantly improve the room's acoustics thanks to the panels' fantastic, noise-reducing properties.

40% Off
You save: €12.06
Model: 242512012101
39% Off
You save: €12.87
Model: 4530-5015401
44% Off
You save: €15.55
Model: 5550015
44% Off
You save: €15.55
Model: 5550016
36% Off
€53.50 per 1m2
€81.31 per unit
You save:
€30.31 per 1m2
€46.07 per unit
Model: 413911
36% Off
€53.50 per 1m2
€81.31 per dozen
You save:
€30.31 per 1m2
€46.07 per dozen
Model: 413913
36% Off
€53.50 per 1m2
€81.31 per dozen
You save:
€30.31 per 1m2
€46.07 per dozen
Model: 413912
45% Off
You save: €46.93
Model: 5550010
45% Off
You save: €46.93
Model: 5550011
42% Off
€61.54 per 1m2
€93.55 per dozen
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€44.21 per 1m2
€67.21 per dozen
Model: 413909
42% Off
€61.54 per 1m2
€93.55 per dozen
You save:
€44.21 per 1m2
€67.21 per dozen
Model: 413910
42% Off
€61.54 per 1m2
€93.55 per dozen
You save:
€44.21 per 1m2
€67.21 per dozen
Model: 413908

Get better acoustics with acoustic panels from our wide selection

At Gullvageret you can always find a wide selection of elegant wooden acoustic panels. So if you are looking for a way to improve the acoustics without having to spoil the aesthetics of the room, our acoustic panels are an obvious choice.

Our sound-absorbing panels can be mounted on both walls and ceilings and are available in several different colors and variants, so you can find exactly the variant that suits your style.

The different colors help to create a stylish and modern look. Only the imagination sets limits when it comes to interior design, and we give the imagination a little more freedom with the new acoustic panels, and help you find exactly the acoustic panel that suits you.

What are acoustic panels?

Acoustic panels are an easy, elegant and practical solution to acoustic problems. They are made of wooden slats or wooden panels, which are mounted on a sound-absorbing and noise-reducing surface - e.g. mineral wool or acoustic felt - which improves the sound in the room in which the panels are placed.

Most people are familiar with sitting in a room with poor acoustics, where you can hardly think clearly because the sound is so bad. Sometimes it can be so bad that it can be difficult to hold a conversation because the acoustics are simply too bad.

With acoustic panels, you can solve that problem. The panels can be mounted on both walls and ceilings, and they help to dampen the noise and create better surround sound , so that you can once again think clearly and carry on conversations without problems.

Get better acoustics and a more pleasant indoor climate with acoustic panels

The acoustics are actually a significant part of the overall indoor climate in a room, and therefore it is important to think about the acoustics and remember to prioritize them – possibly with the purchase of acoustic panels.

The acoustic panels can help to improve the indoor climate in the room quite significantly by making the sound level and reverberation much more pleasant.

By absorbing the sound in the room without reflecting it, the result will be a room with significantly less noise and an improved sound quality.

At the same time, the acoustic panels on this side also have a simple, natural and elegant look that will suit many rooms. That's why you don't have to compromise on aesthetics just because you're looking for acoustics.

How important is good acoustics?

Acoustics is probably one of those kinds of issues that you might not think much about until it becomes a problem. If you have not experienced problems with poor acoustics, you probably do not value rooms with good acoustics at all.

But rooms with poor acoustics can really be terrible to be in . If you have to be in them for a long time, it is almost debilitating.

You probably know the feeling well. You are sitting at a party, in a restaurant etc. etc., and you experience how it can actually be difficult to hold a conversation with the person next to you or the person across from you. The noise flies around the room, and you can hear fragments of conversations from almost the entire room.

You almost get tired just thinking about it, and if you have sat in a room with poor acoustics for a long time, you have probably also experienced coming home completely bombed and exhausted because the noise has been so disturbing.

Therefore, it is incredibly important that you think about how the acoustics are. If you e.g. If you have a restaurant, it doesn't work if the guests think it's a pain to be in the room. Or if you are a manager at a learning institution, it is not good for the acoustics to be bad either, as it can weaken concentration and therefore ultimately learning.

If you have rooms where you experience problems with the acoustics, you should therefore consider investing in acoustic panels or another acoustic solution. Adding wall-to-wall carpeting in a room can also have a good effect.

How do bad acoustics occur?

When we talk about acoustics, it's basically about how long sound lingers and oscillates in the room. The longer it does this, the worse our ears will perceive the acoustics.

Particularly large surfaces, hard materials and parallel walls are major culprits in this regard.

Therefore, acoustic problems may have become a bit more prominent as the minimalist style of interior design has gained ground. Here, you typically want to furnish with hard and 'cold' surfaces that have no sound-absorbing properties, but on the contrary throw the sound back into the room, so that reverberation is created.

So if you have such a room, and there are no acoustic panels or other acoustic solutions, the room's acoustics will be quite poor and probably not particularly pleasant to be in when several people gather.

If you have reversed acoustic panels in such a room, you will experience how the panels absorb the sound and create a much better reverberation. With the result that the sound will not linger particularly long in the room.

Obvious locations for acoustic panels

In principle, you can install acoustic panels in all kinds of rooms. As such, there are no restrictions on the type of room that acoustic panels are suitable for or can be fitted into.

That said, however, there are some rooms where they are more obvious than others. Of course, it makes the most sense in rooms where there may already be problems with the acoustics, or rooms where it is important that the sound is as low as possible.

At Gulvlageret, we have sold acoustic panels for many years, and our experience is that it is typically this type of room that people demand acoustic panels for:

  • Restaurants
  • Receptions
  • Open office areas
  • Canteens
  • Practice rooms
  • Meeting rooms
  • Auditoriums
  • Children's rooms
  • Living rooms

As you can probably sense, there are many rooms where acoustic panels can quite obviously be installed. In short, it's all places where you want to improve the acoustics.

Installation of acoustic panels

Acoustic panels can be mounted on both walls and ceilings , and fortunately it is a relatively simple affair that does not require either special tools or special skills.

In fact, you can choose between two different methods of mounting acoustic panels. You can choose between gluing them in place with assembly glue or screwing them in place with colored screws .

Before they are set up, it may be necessary to cut them to size, but fortunately this is also quite easily done with a circular saw, hacksaw or knife.

Buy your new acoustic panels at Gullvageret

At Gullvlageter, we are happy to help you find the right acoustic panels for your situation. We attach great importance to good customer service, which is why we are also happy with the more than 9,000 reviews on Trustpilot , where we have a rating of 4.4 stars and a status of 'excellent'.

A selection of customer reviews shows that they are extremely satisfied with our fast delivery, the wide selection of furniture and the good service.

Explore our wide range of acoustic panels and find the variant that suits you perfectly.

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