Ardex A35 - Rapid cement/plaster

Model: 2535
Weight: 12,5 kg
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 2-5 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 2-5 day(s)

Content per bag: 12.5 kg.

Product description
0-8 mm must be added. oven-dried sand. Rapid cement with ARDURAPID effect. For casting floors in fixed contact from 10 mm. For casting floating floors from 35 mm. Ready for coating after 24 hours – regardless of layer thickness.
Can only be used indoors.

Field of application
Synthetic resin-reinforced special cement for the production of plaster layers in fixed or floating constructions in homes, offices, institutions, basements and hobby rooms, etc. A 35 is laid out in fixed contact on concrete or cement wearing course and in floating constructions on foil or cast batts, etc.
Walkable already after 3 hours and can then be spread over. When screeding with ARDEX A 45, ARDEX K 55, ARDEX A 30 or ARDEX A 31, a dense floor covering can be applied after a further 1 - 2 hours.
The plaster layer is fully usable after only 24 hours. After that, puttying and straightening tasks can be carried out in the normal way, as well as floor covering, tiles and clinker can be laid with all ARDEX products.
When laying floating wooden floors, a dense moisture barrier must be laid beforehand, e.g. a 0.20 mm PE foil with min. 200 mm overlay and taped joints. A 35 is suitable for underfloor heating with a supply temperature of up to 65 °C.
Can only be used indoors, and not in permanently water-stressed areas.

ATTENTION! The consumption calculator calculates on the basis of a mixing ratio of 1:4, see data sheet for other mixing ratios.

Technical data
Soil moist
Layer thickness:
Minimum 10 mm. laid out in fixed contact - Minimum 35 mm. laid out in floating construction, however minimum 45 mm when gluing tiles. When casting in layer thicknesses over 60 mm. it is important that A 35 is compressed sufficiently.
Material consumption:
Approx. 3.1-3.7 kg. powder per m2/mm.
Processing time:
Approx. 45 min. at 20C
After approx. 3 hours at 20C
Ready for coating:
After approx. 24 hours at 20C

Download data sheet: click here

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