By: Bona

Bona mix & fill Plus

40% Off
You save: €71.60
Model: 11145p
Weight: 5 kg
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s)

Bona Mix & Fill enables a completely water-based installation. This putty product must be mixed to a suitable consistency with fine sanding dust from the floor being treated. Mix & Fill is used to fill joints up to 3 mm in width and other minor defects in wooden floors. Can be used with all Bona lacquer types and oils.

Contains: 5 litres
Drying time: Approx. 20 min at normal room temperature and 2 mm joints. When filling larger joints, the drying time will be longer.
Range: Approx. 10 m2 per litres.

More info - download pdf:
Bona Mix Fill.pdf

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