By: Bona

Bona Retarder

36% Off
You save: €8.04
Model: 1138
Weight: 1 kg
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s)

Bona Retarder is a product that extends the processing time for Bona's water-based base and topcoats. If the humidity is low and/or the room temperature is higher than normal, you can use Bona Retarder. It reduces the risk of the paint drying too quickly and leaving rolling stops in the dried paint.

Contains: 0.2 litres
Consumption: Max 4% Bona Retarder (200 ml. per 5 litres) is added to the paint can and shaken thoroughly. Then apply the varnish in the normal way.
Other info: Facilitates application in dry and warm environments - Extends processing time - Minimizes the risk of overlap and discoloration

More info - download pdf:
Bona Retarder.pdf

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