Vespox® EVS Stripe paint
Write below which color number you want.
Vespox SL-W is a stripe paint that is used to mark stripes, shark teeth, pictograms, etc. It is applied with a roller or brush.
Consumption is approx. 200 g per m².
NB It is very important to stir the paint thoroughly with a whisk on a screw machine for a minimum of 2 - 3 minutes. There may be sediment in the buckets from fillers and these must be stirred up thoroughly until the mass feels uniform.
Note that you only have approx. 20 minutes to use what you have mixed. So don't mix more at a time than you can manage to use. The components must be weighed when the set is split. The bucket with color in it must be touched by itself first. This is important.
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Safety sheet
Vespox® EVS water-based strip paint