Sigma Facade Topcoat Satin

26% Off
You save: €54.17
Model: 430926
Weight: 10 kg
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s)

Carbonation retarder. Achieve effective concrete protection with the carbonation retarding properties of Facade Topcoat Satin. The concrete protection ensures longer durability of both the substrate and the surface. Facade Topcoat Satin is also CE-marked, making it suitable for both small and large projects that involve concrete as a building element.

Size: 10 litres.
Colors: Black

100% acrylic-based facade paint. For surface treatment of mineral and previously painted surfaces.
Strong durability against the weather
Good alkali resistance
Carbonation retarder
Contains fungicide for protection against subsequent fouling
CE marked. EN 1504-2 system 4

Data sheet

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