By: Faxe

FAXE Terraces

36% Off
You save: €8.05

Depth cleaning of wooden terraces and cleaning of tile coatings.

FAXE Terraces are suitable for cleaning terracoatings made of untreated or oiled wood, stone or composite material. FAXE Terraces removes coatings and prevents their rapid re-formation. When using a scrubber with rigid brushes, the cleaning proceeds very quickly and efficiently, even with profiled surfaces. FAXE Terraces do not damage adjacent plants.

Model: 15103
Weight: 3 kg
Availability: Only 7 item(s) left in stock + more with expected delivery in 4-8 day(s)

Packing size: 2.5 liters
Row capacity: 1L / 20m²
Application: Scrubber.

• The terrace is wet.
• The surface is scrubbed with undiluted FAXE Terraces.
• The day after, rinse off dirt and coatings with plenty of water.
• Let the terrace dry.

It is always recommended to perform a small sample for surface, adhesion and color testing.

Post processing:
For finishing use FAXE Terrasseolie or Arsinol Transparent. If the wood is very weathered or bleached, it is recommended to refresh the FAXE Terrace Oil or Arsinol Transparent in a similar color.

Technical data:
Cleaning: Clean the tool with water.
pH: Approx. 8.0.

Water, <5% disinfectant.

Subject to technical changes and printing errors.

Keep out of reach of children.

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