Floorcoat Care oil white 5 l.

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You save: €2.68
Model: PHO2010
Weight: 1,2 kg
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 2-5 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 2-5 day(s)

Care oil white

Linseed oil based care oil for previously white oiled wooden floor.
Supplied in 5 lt.

Care oil White is used for maintenance and refreshment of all
oiled surfaces. Care oil White is particularly suitable for treated floors
with FloorCoat Hvidolie.

Instructions for use:

1. The floor is washed with the wood's diluted approx. 1:10.

2. Before treatment with the oil, the floor must be completely dry (4-8 hours). The oil
spread in an even layer over the wood, then polish it down into the wood. When
the wood is completely saturated, excess oil is removed and the floor will appear with a
silky matte surface. It is important that the floor is completely dry after polishing.

3. The floor must not be used for the first 4 hours after the treatment and must not
wash before the care oil has fully hardened (min. 24 hours).

Daily cleaning:
Vacuuming and washing and a mild mixture of FloorCoat White soap, lukewarm
water and a hard-wrung cloth.

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