Ardex A31 - Floor & Wall putty

Model: 1231
Weight: 12,5 kg
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 2-5 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 2-5 day(s)

Primer-free on cement-based substrates. For straightening and smoothing floors and walls.

Content per bag: 12.5 kg.
For indoor use only.

Area of application: ARDEX A 31 is a cement-based, stable, universal putty for repair, straightening, laying and fine leveling.
Suitable for: Raw concrete, concrete and anhydrite plaster, terrazzo floors, tile and tile coverings, natural stone, aerated concrete, leca concrete, installation of chipboard/plywood boards, floor gypsum boards screwed to the substrate, etc.
For the repair of: Holes, gaps and small cracks.
ARDEX A 31 cannot be used outdoors and in permanently water-stressed areas.

Technical data
Smooth and pasty
Layer thickness:
0-5 mm
Material consumption:
Approx. 1.25 kg of powder per m2/mm
Processing time:
Approx. 15 minutes at 20C
Walkable: After approx. 40 min at 20C
Ready for coating:
After approx. 2 hours at 20C

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