30 mm Curved transition - without holes

Price from
Model: 250502uh
  • Poleret messing
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s)

Lengths: 270 or 540 cm
Colour: Polished brass
Installation: The rail is glued to the substrate with mounting glue

  • 18% Off
    €6.56 per 1m2
    €36.06 per roll
    You save:
    €1.46 per 1m2
    €8.05 per roll
  • €50.81
  • 47% Off
    €11.94 per 1m2
    €25.41 per pack
    You save:
    €10.73 per 1m2
    €22.83 per pack