Roth 20 mm. X-PERT S5 underfloor heating pipe 5 layers

53% Off
Model: 250510
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s)

The Roth X-PERT pipe is a quality product developed for underfloor heating. The tube is made up of 5 layers, inner tube of PE (polyethylene), adhesive, diffusion barrier, adhesive and outer PE protective cover.
Max. operating pressure: 6 bar.
Max. short-term temperature: 100°C.
Max. continuous temperature: 70°C.

Roth X-PERT S5 ® floor heating pipes meet all requirements for a floor heating pipe. The tube is flexible and easy to work with, even in cold weather.

X-PERT S5 ® is a 5-layer tube, which means that the oxygen barrier is inside the tube, which ensures that it does not contribute to creaking noises when the tubes are used in metallic heat distribution plates. Production takes place in our own German factories and is quality assured according to ISO 9001.

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