Carpet glue DanAtac Carpet fix 278 Fixing glue

Up to 40% Off
€24.80 per m2
You save: €14.75 per m2

The carpet is like glue, but can be removed again

Model: Atlas-542-3
Weight: 2,25 kg
Availability: In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s) In stock with expected delivery in 3-5 day(s)

Product description & use:
DanAtac Tæppefix 278 is a water-based glue for fixing carpets/carpet tiles with foam, felt or rubber backing. DanAtac Carpet Fix 278 effectively holds carpets in place, so that dents and folds are avoided. The carpet lays like glue, but is easy to remove again without damaging the substrate. DanAtac Carpet Fix 278 thus replaces double-adhesive tape or loose carpets. Used on both new and old floors, on absorbent and dense substrates, such as e.g. troweled concrete, chipboard, wood fiberboard, plywood, parquet or board floors, PVC or linoleum coverings

Physical / chemical data:
2.5 or 10 litres
Type: Water-based copolymer dispersion
Color: White
Consistency: Liquid
Dry matter content: approx. 47%
Density: approx. 1.0 kg/litre
Shelf life: Minimum 12 months in unopened packaging when stored cool. Store frost-free

Instructions for use :
Preparation: The surface must be clean, dry and even.
Bonding: DanAtac Teppefix 278 is applied with a roller. On highly absorbent substrates, it may be necessary to apply glue in 2 coats, or possibly use Primer 600 on first application. When the glue hardens, it becomes transparent, and then the carpet/tiles can be installed.

The application temperature should be at least +16C. The curing time is at +23C and 55% RH approx. 30-40 min. The curing time is dependent on temperature, humidity, absorbent and non-absorbent surfaces. Be sure to rub the coating firmly.
For carpet tiles with a felt backing, subsequent drumming is always recommended.
Amount of glue: 8 - 12 m²/litre.
Cleaning: Glue stains are removed immediately with a damp cloth. Glue on the skin is removed with soap and water.
Tools are cleaned with water while the glue is still wet.
Removal: When the carpet/tiles are later to be removed, loosen the carpet in one corner and slowly pull it off. The strength of DanAtac Carpet Fix 278 is usually weaker than the backing of the carpet itself. On old carpets or with certain types of carpets with a very unstable backing, it may happen that the foam backing of the carpet breaks when it is torn off. If carpet remains on the floor, wash the floor with warm water and soap. After approx. 10 - 15 minutes, the foam residues can then be easily rubbed or scraped off. DanAtac Carpet Fix 278 can also be washed off with warm water and soap. When cleaning wooden and parquet floors, sanding and surface treatment must be expected. If the floor cannot withstand water exposure, the residues may removed with alcohol or mineral spirits, but here tests should be carried out to ensure that the floor is not damaged by the treatment.

Safety sheet

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